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Nicole Benner

PA Certified Recovery Specialist

Medication Assisted Recovery Advocate


Nikki's quick wittiness made her immediately fit with the JFT staff. We have a knack for getting the job done while having fun doing it. Some days the staff is as crazy as the job, and Nikki is definitely one of us!

Scott Young

Veterans Services Coordinator



Scott Young is JFT’s Veterans Service Coordinator and a veteran himself.  He served in the United States Marine Corps from 2004 through 2016, being honorably discharged as a staff sergeant.  Scott served two combat tours in Operation Iraqi Freedom.  Additionally, he spent time in the community while on active duty, serving as a recruiter in the

York area. Scott is active in recovery, being free of alcohol for over three years.  His journey included a successful stay in the Substance Abuse Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program (SARRTP) at the Lebanon VA Medical Center, where he participated in the vocational rehabilitation program as well.  He is also a graduate of Dauphin County Veterans Court.


In addition to his service as JFT’s Veterans Service Coordinator, Scott has been a business administration and management student for two years.  He enjoys reading, hiking, and cooking in his spare time.    

Carissa Lehr

Police Diversion

Warm Hand-Off Coordinator​

Eric w paining 2.jpg

Eric Weidman

Facilities Coordinator

PA Certified Recovery Specialist


First and foremost, Eric is our in-house artist. He is creating a mural downstairs including all our programs of recovery and military branches of service. Eric also enjoys donating his paintings to recovery events for raffles and fundraising.

Eric can be found at JFT on and off the clock throughout the day and evening. He enjoys being a contributing member at all JFT events as well as lending a hand at any recovery or fundraising cause. The bottomline is that if it is recovery oriented and you need a hand--Eric is your man. And everything Eric does, he does from the heart. He is a giver.


Eric was born and raised on the unforgiving streets of Baltimore City where he  was fortunate enough to find the Power of Recovery, a group he credits with saving his life.  After the roots of recovery took hold, Eric decided, that for his own continued growth, he needed to leave the confines of the Heroin Capital of the U.S.; thus he moved to Lemoyne in 2015 where he found and enmeshed himself into a strong and well established recovery community. Eric to proud to say he has over 5-years of continuous sobriety and has made it his mission to help others find their way.


Eric served as a member of our Warm Handoff Team for a year and continues to grow and help people seeking treatment on a daily basis. Warm Handoff is only a small part of Eric's story at JFT. Eric continues to grow our community food pantry and helps with daily donations. Eric is our in-house maintenance man, ready to fix any problem at any time of day--and we mean ANY problem. Eric is our fix-it man!


Eric is excited to take on his most recent role as Recovery Housing mentee under Steve's tutelage. In this position, Eric is learning the nuances of operating a recovery house as he takes a more active role in our male recovery house above the center. This role evolved as Eric became more and more of a mentor to our friends in new recovery, who live in the many local recovery houses. He can always be found trying to procure furniture or goods, giving people rides to and from meetings, job interviews, or other appointments, or just generally just being a listening ear to anyone in our Coffee Shop who might be in need of someone who cares. But, do not let his easygoing disposition fool you; Eric knows how to lay down the law if things get a bit crazy on the weekends!

Kathy Kane

PA Certified Recovery Specialist

Candis Pacheco

PA Certified Recovery Specialist

Lisa Abromitis

PA Certified Recovery Specialist



Northern Dauphin


16 E. Main St.

Elizabethville â€‹, PA 17023


Phone: *Coming Soon*

Fax: *Coming Soon*




Office Hours:

M-F 9am-5pm


Coffee Shop:

Daily 12pm-9pm


Lemoyne Center


300 Market St.

Lemoyne, PA 17043


Phone: 717-695-6253

Fax: 717-695-6243




Office Hours:

M-F 9am-5pm


Coffee Shop:

Daily 12pm-9pm




1337 East Market St.

York, PA 17403


Phone: 717-699-7581

Fax: 717-650-2670




Office Hours:

M-F 9am-5pm


Coffee Shop:

Daily 12pm-9pm



Just for Today Recovery and Veteran’s Support Services is a Registered Trademark. ®


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