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PTSD Veteran Recovery Support

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, commonly referred to as PTSD, can affect anyone who has experienced or witnessed a traumatic event. Not everyone who experiences trauma will develop symptoms of PTSD. For those who do, the condition may be confusing and difficult to understand at first. Unfortunately, our military combat soldiers have an extremely high rate of developing PTSD.


A recent Department of Veterans Affairs report stated that as many as 60% of all people will experience a traumatic event. Therefore, a large number of the population are at risk for developing symptoms of PTSD, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder affects people at all stages of life, ability,

and age. Having PTSD symptoms does not make someone weak. It is a common response to a life-threatening or otherwise traumatic event.


Any life-threatening event may cause PTSD, whether the event happens to you or someone else. The Department of Veterans Affairs official website references many basic causes of PTSD, which can include any of the following:


Seven Causes of PTSD

  1. Combat and other military experiences

  2. Sexual or physical assault

  3. Learning about the violent or accidental death or injury of a loved one

  4. Child sexual or physical abuse

  5. Serious accidents

  6. Natural disasters, fires, etc.

  7. Terrorist attacks




Three things to know about PTSD and the general population:

  1. 8% of the population, or up to 8 out of every 100 people will have PTSD symptoms manifest at some point in life.

  2. Approximately eight million adults have PTSD during any given year.

  3. About 10%, or 10 of every 100 women will manifest symptoms of PTSD in their lifetime, a higher incidence than for men.

  4. Approximately 4 of every 100 men will have PTSD at some stage in life.


Three things to know about PTSD among veterans:

  1. Military service puts veterans and currently serving military members at an elevated risk of experiencing or witnessing trauma.

  2. Combat is not the only cause of PTSD symptoms. Any trauma may result in PTSD including sexual assault, sexual harassment, and related issues. 23% of military women report sexual assault during their career in uniform.

  3. PTSD may manifest itself over time. You may not recognize the symptoms as being PTSD-related at first or without the help of someone trained to spot the warning signs.


Here a JFT we realize our veteran and persons in recovery need help in developing practical skills to deal with PTSD. We have a weekly PTSD meeting, which helps participants manage PTSD as well as find lasting solutions for veterans, people in recovery, or someone falling into both groups. Our group is as diverse as our forms of PTSD. We meet every Monday night at JFT from 6:30PM to 8PM. Join us.

Read more specifics regarding veterans and PTSD:


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